Hunter Liguore (亨特 • 丽果) Reader Base Campさんのプロフィール画像

Hunter Liguore (亨特 • 丽果) Reader Base Campさんのイラストまとめ

Reader Base Camp for award-winning author Hunter Liguore (she/her). Writing the darkness with hope. Respect for differences. All are welcome.

フォロー数:930 フォロワー数:1069

What's in your bowl of soup? Ours has a bowlful of wisdom that in order to eat a single meal, it takes the whole world to make it. Join readers now.

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A wonderful review from :⁠ “The Whole World Inside Nan’s Soup is a unique & touching celebration of our interconnectedness... a true worldwide journey.”

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Writing classes and books are filled with tips on creating characters and developing plot, but very few ever offer...

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WHOLE WORLD INSIDE NAN'S SOUP is a rumination on our inter-being w 'all' people. It's wisdom passed down generations through my nan who understood: to eat a single meal, it takes the whole world to make it. Link:

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