

God made me work on comics to stop me from consistently posting |
22 l He/Him l Webcomic: @AnamComic
Other Webcomic: @UsualComics

フォロー数:918 フォロワー数:690

CenUni extension?

So fellas?... Episode 3 when??

0 11

Oh that was way more than a punch-

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She is soon confronted by two rap goddesses

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Random post before I disappear to work on my essay that's due in uh four hours

I've grown to like my artstyle more finally but there's just SOMETHING about it that still feels... unpolished
Like I'm SO close to getting it the perfect way I want it, but SOMETHING just feels off

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Finally, Izzy's shift has her going from her younger self in Anamnesis to her older self in the sequel she stars in

And Ashley's shift has her take a coffee break from her home into her work clothes

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Huni's shift shows the overall toll what she goes through puts on someone as optimistic and jovile as she was

Basil's shift has him doing a technique in which he scratches his arms to ignite his hand into a flame

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