8 days until society collapsesさんのプロフィール画像

8 days until society collapsesさんのイラストまとめ


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I found the best 4chan /v/ thread yet

5 21

Do you like waffles?

Yes we like waffles!

Do you like pancakes?

Yes we like pancakes!

Do you like French toast?

Yes we like French toast!

Doodooodododoodo can’t wait to get a mouth full!

2 6

"everybody was kung-fu fighting" "I don't believe EVERYbody was kung fu fighting, thats just absurd"

2 17

Colonel Noodle's Chinese Impression is so Offensive That Parappa's Stomach Ulcer Literally Explodes And He Is Unable to Tell Him to Stop Being So Fucking Racist.jpg

1 1

I really liked concept art mercy. New mercy is... ok but the conceptual ones had soul

1 2