

フォロー数:205 フォロワー数:90

Gift art for featuring their sona cosplaying as Kris.
Also, happy anniversary to Chapter 2.

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Meta Knight with wings > Meta Knight with cape. Both are great, but I'm a sucker for bat wings on characters.

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One of my favorite pieces of commissioned art I got of all-time, done by Strikerwott12! Give her love, I demand it!

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finally commissioned a plush for Yanet, who I consider my comfort OC! I'm excited, it'll be the closest to an oc existing irl

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13. Clampdown
I love that most of the Decepticons in RID15 had animal bot modes. And Clampdown is the cutest one of the bunch to me.

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10. Cybat
A more recent favorite of mine. I liked Cruel King and the Great Hero, and of all the partners that were in the game, Cybat the quirkiest and had the best design imo. I'm always a sucker for bats and one-eyed characters, and he fit the bill perfectly.

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9. Neptunemon
This one's purely for design since I haven't watched or played any Digimon media featuring him, but hot damn isn't this one of the grandest Digimon designs I've ever seen.

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