Slipsy has left the buildingさんのプロフィール画像

Slipsy has left the buildingさんのイラストまとめ

💜 Nefarious 🧡

i block rivchet shippers on sight and am extremely sus of lombax fans

always on art hiatus even if i say im not

!! sometimes retweets NSFW !!

フォロー数:304 フォロワー数:489

did you know that i can in fact draw characters other than nefarious?!?!

i love these old gays so much 😭

gunna draw something better of them eventually they're very fun and i like them a lot

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tw // self harm

wew yeah i wasnt feeling great earlier (im fine now hence posting it) so i drew a lil vent thing

qwark wasnt going to be there but then a friend talked to me and i was like c,:

this is the first time ive drawn squishy nef and liked it which kinda sucks but eh

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"LUVORATORRRRRY!" snuck back into my youtube playlist last night and i couldnt help myself

not sure if i added enough sparkles /s

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size difference + clothes swapping = nef in a ridiculously large hoodie and qwark doing his best

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so ive been having anxiety about this damn image all day cuz it feels oddly personal for some reason but the art is so good that i cant not post it sooo

whats better than goth nef AND lava lamp nef? goth lava lamp nef

also one without the fem clothes cuz he looks good both ways

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after i drew nefarious in programmer socks, this was requested of me. i regret everything

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would you believe me if i said i didnt have a single SFW piece from jan so i had to use a piece from early feb instead and i didnt draw ANYTHING in may so i used late april instead?? also all my recent stuff hasnt been proper art just doodles so im breaking all 3 rules fight me

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a meme i made calling myself out a couple of weeks ago that is now very fitting for

the character on the left is my original fursona who is also a cyborg, so... yeah i might have a small problem

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