Slipsy has left the buildingさんのプロフィール画像

Slipsy has left the buildingさんのイラストまとめ

💜 Nefarious 🧡

i block rivchet shippers on sight and am extremely sus of lombax fans

always on art hiatus even if i say im not

!! sometimes retweets NSFW !!

フォロー数:304 フォロワー数:489

Designed an alternate dimension Synth, in which they were raised to believe they were a robot... that means they never got their sparkle markings! They work as a DJ at Club Nefarious and under normal circumstances you'd never see them without the helmet ;D

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i just like to draw nefarious in outfits from music videos i like. thats all.

sorry for shitty/no art recently. no i do not intend to make better art soon im not gunna lie to y'all i intend to do fuck all for a good while LOL

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Commission for of his pre-zaurik Vorselon and the Smuggler being cozy and cute :3 Loved drawing these lads for you!

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slipsy loses their mind over a fictional character while brainwashing innocent fans to do the same.jpg

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a friend on discord inspired me and its cursed and i love it

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okay but crack idea what if alt nefarious had a crush on ratchet's robot disguise JKGJKLDFJKLFHJKLFD

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oops i lied i drew lombax ass because kaiber sent me the post and i had to, i had to-

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