

26 //Educator, Filmmaker, Animator, Podcaster, Poet, and part-time human being.// (1/2) of @WhereISeeMe // They/Them💛🤍💜🖤

フォロー数:3851 フォロワー数:874

With a sWIFTNESS, it’s the true ninja way

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Would’ve been over at those swings like “FRIENDSHIP JUTSU”😤💕

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Here’s my Captain Marvel tweet for the month, if ever stop gushing over her just assume my account got hacked

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Today has been really motivating, i feel very ready to make stuff. I feeeel energized!

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Here take a moody video of me singing to a YouTube type beat because it’s that sorta day🗣

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I need to see in concert again so i can unlock all 8 inner gates and feel emotions again

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