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@Bugmag_2 I don't know if you even knew I drew due to the fact my job is too brutal dit me to keep up with it, but here's some of my most recent stuff (that I actually finished).
@JRWBurner @JinxyArin @Trashqueen_01 @ArchonOf You're so stupid, Esther Jones had her style copied by Helen Kane and Helen Kane is who Betty Boop was based off of according to her creators.
Plus she was originally a poodle.
Oh, and that one image of her in Hula was a from a short in which Popeye visits Hawaii, one short
@Trashqueen_01 @RealBaoZakeruga @ArchonOf That's not true, she's based off of Helen Kane and in her earliest appearances she was a poodle, since she was meant to be Bimbo the Dog's girlfriend and she went by the name Dizzy Dishes then.
She was a POC for one short starring Popeye.
@rakeemspoon @raisn_brn That's being taken severely out of context.
Basically it's attributing the fact that the wider public began adopting black culture in terms of style and music.
One of these singers was Helen Kane, the singer of which Betty Boop was modeled after.
@fromshadows Wrong, she's based off of singer Helen Kane.
But thanks for shaming a grear artist for racist implications that aren't there in the first place.
@_itspat_JP Not true, she was originally a characatire of singer Helen Kane
Fanart for @DullVivid for being such a cool guy. Might do variants as well.