Nicole Ice (always in artblock)さんのプロフィール画像

Nicole Ice (always in artblock)さんのイラストまとめ

Taiwanese | interested in too many things | artist/animator | Mostly stick figures' art. | I don't post very often

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:182

I finally have time to draw!?👀

11 61

I was practicing drawing line art.
Uh, idk, still more prefer drawing without line art.

2 4

The way how I draw northern lights has changed a lot :0
Oh yeah, also Happy New Year!!

4 8

Uhh I have a brighter version, if you think it's too dark.

(I hate the chromatic aberration🥲

2 6

One by hyun

Look at da long hair


8 35

OC doodles

謝謝 我都沒時間畫畫

4 13