Snowy 🎀🐞さんのプロフィール画像

Snowy 🎀🐞さんのイラストまとめ

Toon bug that draws, writes programs, and mods games!
- ♀ She/Her
- 🆗 SFW
- 🎨 Banner by @wouchis
- 🎨 Avatar by @MuzYoshi
- ⭐️ @WaterQuil is a cute bug 🐌

フォロー数:347 フォロワー数:659

Goodness, I wouldn't have met so many friends if it were not for Pokémon! So... here's a sort of Pokémon-themed doodle of some friends who helped make 2020 not *as* bad!

(Sorry I couldn't fit more in here, and there were SO MANY! Just drawing ONE character is hard for me to do.)

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Also, Happy New Year!!!! We made it past 2020!

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Eep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay! Thanks for the opportunity O.O

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Uh... oops!!! I made the tail the wrong color in this doodle.

Artwork COMPLETELY ruined.

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Uh... what was in my drink??? Everything seems bigger now! And... what happened to my hands?


(just a little bit of a practice doodle thing, but I thought a few people might appreciate another silly Buneary drawing~)

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I got this really amazing artwork from for this month via her Patreon.

I absolutely love this. The whole artwork is just so lovely. It makes me feel a little nostalgic, too. Goodness!

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The thirteenth winner of a "poorly drawn" sketch is ! The prompt was "Experiment". The roll was 17.

Bill messed up his experiment AGAIN, and he seems more concerned about fixing his laser than fixing himself or you.

Seems you'll be a Pichu for a while~

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Looks like the eighth winner of a "poorly drawn" sketch is .

A 20 was rolled, and the prompt was "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon".

Looks like you've stepped on a few traps there! Those Spin Traps can be annoying!

Too bad the game autosaves. Seems you're stuck like this~

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This morning, drew me a GIF!

I have NO clue how Twitter will handle it, but this is utterly amazing. I LOVE IT.

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Goodness, I had no idea made such an amazing Buizel! And I mean that seriously.

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