

🇳🇱| I'm only on here until I go viral to start my rap career. I write stuff:…

フォロー数:105 フォロワー数:27

kinda sorta have a wizarding school written universe in my drafts that I kinda sorta wanna turn into a kpop AU if people would be kinda sorta interested in that that would be kinda sorta cool

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I like how this request came 9 hours after the actual tweet but ask and you shall receive

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Finally took the time to give form to the two main characters I wanna build a webcomic around, here are Lucy & Gizmo!

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First digital artpiece DONE!! say hello to Salmonder, Brawlotl and Cannewt!

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Wtf I have a date next week

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Ex-fucking-cuse me what the FUCK

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Decided to do something for here is a little Pokemon line I designed :)

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