Confraternity of S. Basil the Greatさんのプロフィール画像

Confraternity of S. Basil the Greatさんのイラストまとめ

For those devoted to this Church Father, foundational both East and West. Curated by Fellows of Akenside Institute for English Spirituality.

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For serving is a noble work, and will procure for thee the kingdom of heaven. It is like a net, full of all the virtues, and containing within itself every precept of God.

(De Ren. 9.)

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"In former times, they used to honor the death of saints with lamentations and tears. Joseph wept aloud when he heard that Jacob was dead; the Jews mourned deeply the death of Moses; and honored Samuel with much weeping. But in these days we celebrate the death of the holy ones》

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“It is necessary for those who have believed in God and been baptized to prepare themselves immediately for trials, even from their own household, until death; for the one who has not readied himself thus is easily shaken when a crisis comes unexpectedly.”

(Ethics 62.1)

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