

Lesbian (She/her). I play games and sometimes draw art of those games! Mostly Soulsborne, Octopath, Bravely & Monster Hunter. Proud mum of @PythonLucifer 🐍

フォロー数:82 フォロワー数:66

I'm sorry guys, I just love Olberhardt

5 13

(Octopath spoilers maybe?)
Dreisang watches the whole thing and just sighs

3 15

An attempt was made to draw Actual Ray of Sunshine, Alfyn Greengrass

4 17

I'm........ in love with this game......................

112 257

"The symbol of the Sun represents Lord Gwyn's firstborn, who lost his deity status and was expunged from the annals. But the old God of War still watches closely over his warriors."

14 31

Eileen lookin like her VA bc I love her

0 1

Human Ludwig (ft. hat)

1 1

Old doodles of The Favourite™

1 0