

Mother of Tater Tots, Cat wrangler, 6+ Years of streamy goodness on Twitch.

フォロー数:228 フォロワー数:407

This is how far we got! Thanks for hanging out guys! Great day today!

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Just letting you guys now I'm feeling much better already today. Probably is the pain meds taking but I'm doin alright!

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Setting up now! Gunna try to finish our project today! See you in a few!

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Setting up now! Just updated my Commission Prices panel with this adorable new art from ! So cute!

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I drive just fine! I just take precautionary measures! 17 years without an accident should say enough Thank you!

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Apparently I've gotten really bad at drinking. First time in years I'm going to work extremely hungover....

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Omg it came today! Tell me this isn't the greatest tshirt ever made?

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Just submitted our new 3rd tier emote :) Cutest damn thing! Thanks

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