

IT Profession | Anime Artist | FPS Shooters | FG Player | Drummer | |

フォロー数:808 フォロワー数:396

Tbh FGs may be a bit stale right now but I'm kinda excited to see what the next era will bring in. SfVI, Tekken 8(or TK x Sf??), Doa7, next NRS game, LoL new game - shit has me kinda hype haha.

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New profile pic

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Been working on and off on this one for the past month; main ninja Kasumi. Finally done 😩

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Emotes of Honoka from DOA and Wattson from Apex Lengends done for

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Animu Mario cause why not lol

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Finished some Tifa fanart

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Finished Castlevania and man this series was truly a masterpiece. really outdid themselves with the animation. Characters were captivating and story had me overall hooked all 4 seasons. 10/10 would recommend lol

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Heihachi when his son got invited to Smash instead of him

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I'm thinking about commissioning an artist. I'd love a piece of decent quality done of one of my characters for a poster. Budget is maybe $50-$150 max. Any takers? I'd love to see commission sheets.

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