

Artist 💕 She/Her 🌟 Full of Funfetti!! Get crazy, get stupid! 🌸 Abandon all hope, ye who enter here 🌈💖✨

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:76

✨🐶💙Huevember Day 20: Patton Sanders!💙🐶✨
This has been sitting in my wips since January—meant to get around to it sooner but just couldn’t seem to find the energy before now..Anyways I’m very happy with how this came out. :]

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Not me doing the Sailor Moon Redraw at the literal end of 2020 and then forgetting to post it for two weeks.😔✌️✨
This was tons of fun though! I love drawing fluffy hair :]

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Felt like cleaning up another one of my notebook comics! God I hate doing line art so much but I’m still trying to practice.

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Quick doodle of Ichigo! Really wanted to experiment a bit more with incorporating photo elements into my backgrounds n stuff.

Strawberries used in the bg are from Flickr Commons. <33

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I really wanted to try drawing one of those anime figurines...I remember seeing a challenge like this last year but I never got around to doing it until now. This was a lot of fun to do and a great exercise to practice posing✌️💕✨
Photos in the bg are from the flickr commons <3

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I’m so sorry but you know I had to do this. https://t.co/Njuw7P9qlU

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