

Various postings (mainly HSR) and art RTs | I don't really post art here anymore, please refer to other socials for that (I am @solnecco everywhere else)

フォロー数:1426 フォロワー数:223

happy birthday to the best pink puffball~

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made an attempt at drawing an actual human. I'm still really clueless at drawing people lol. wanted to refine that lineless style I used earlier for the kirbies.

it's solid snake, but with a jacket and scarf because cold

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finished up some random lineart I had laying around

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scrapped piece from a lil while back. don't think I'll ever finish it, I kinda screwed up stuff and I don't wanna go through the effort to try and salvage it. posting it bc why not. also this is pretty much how my scenery stuff looks before I go into details and whatnot

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it was really hard picking just 4 aaa

FFI+II was my first RPG I was able to finish as a kid
Sapphire = first Pokemon game!
P3 = 1st JRPG that I really got into and it sent me into SMT/Persona hell
RE4 = (one of) my fave games ever

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Pair of BG comms I just finished up. The crystals were made to be customizable, so the colors you see there aren't really the final ones or anything (I know it doesn't go well with the palette of the pic!), I just did random colors to show the customization to the client.

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practice things

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anyways here's that rock/crystal practice I did

I still dunno how to go about drawing this stuff

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doodle thing

I don't even know if that lighting makes sense lol

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