

Frankie | 24 | Agender | she/elle/iel | 🇫🇷
I draw OC inspired by Bryan Scary and Autoheart's Music
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i was feeling emotional about the Thunderman loving his kids ...

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My 2019 ART WAS pretty cool ! THANKS TO LEGO LOOL

i need to find more time to do composition like this again ...

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22 - Didnt expect to love ..
mmm Clara i guess .. i got her cause i loved her design and i wasnt even sure i'd know how to use her but now i cannot imagine myself without her ..

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21 - popular OC

wouldnt say .. "popular" but VENUS ?????
like, ive seen moots kin and make ship with him.
you know who you are, i love you/p
but.. wow im glad people like him <3
tho please dont do that if i dont know you

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13 - Parents OC

YES i love making parents OC, the two most notable ones being Thunderman (Father to Adele, Erza and Ophélia) and Valery ( Father to Lily and Jules Valentines)

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9 - Weirdest OC

MMMM i guess the Warden...
HE IS JUST beyond the world he lives in

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7 - Ship with someone else OC

i really dont do that often, even with friends. BUT but i do in fact have one ship with a friends's character even tho i dont really do anything with them lately

it is 's Tetey and my OC Julian
(right > old design - art by @/TawnySoup)

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