

Repost + credits are 👌

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:3934

The kitties have a new toy! 😂
Inspired by 's cute genshin comics 🫰❤️

209 1429

Here's the version without the typography

1 24

Part 2 of Furina Is Doing Her Best!
Repost/translation/voiceover + Credits is okay! 👌

74 874

Furina Is Doing Her Best is finally out! Read it here or visit my Pixiv link below! Enjoy!🤗
Repost/translation/voiceover + Credits is okay! 👌

619 5711

My friends! I'm super excited to announce that I'm currently making a new chapter for my Genshin manga! Here's a sneak peek of what's to come😁As usual, it will be stuffed and packed full of memes👍

2 41

If they ever do a collab, this is how I would imagine it😭💢✊
[This is my fan art, not a real promotion]

1 26

GUYS! Voting period has begun! Pls vote for my entry using this official link 👉

You get 10 free votes every day upon log-in 📲

Let's goooo!!!!!!!!!!!

1 17