

Hi! I'm Sonilan, an artist and a Sonic & Kirby fan ;)
I'm new on Twitter for now, but I will post here the drawings I make!

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2. Control

"Sol Control!"

I'm sorry for being one day late, but I should finish the next one today too🙏
Anyway I already drew Shadow last time, so I came up with something new!

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Here it is, one of my biggest drawing project yet:


If you are interested about these characters and want to know why and how I designed them, feel free to read the following thread ;)

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Hi! My friend and I just did this artwork, and we're very proud of it, so here you go! ;)

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Happy birthday Kirby!!
As a little birthday gift here's a modern Galacta Knight in Super Star Ultra's style, its first game.
But I have 3 more drawings with him, and this time they'll be more unique so stay tuned😏

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Hi I'm back once again ;)
Here's a drawing of Susie in the Super Star Ultra artstyle, I made this one some months ago for a collab from that you will see soon (I'll share it when it'll be out👀)
Anyway have a great day!

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Hey! I created my account some days ago, and I will mainly post my drawings on it ;)
So to get started here's a drawing I made for Sonic's birthday (I learned this old Sonic Channel style thanks to Fyrae on Youtube) and it's my first time doing a background for one of my drawings

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