

An artist for fun and for real.

He/him, 20, previous works include @TheSmashBracket, Ask the Smash Cast, etc.

フォロー数:738 フォロワー数:323

Thought I'd show you some stuff I do, hope you like it!

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(Gulp) Here you go. His name is Taima. If you hurt him, I SWEAR- (Hehehe, anyways, have fun with him!)

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Some stuff that I can do for art that relates to Sonic and other Sega stuff!

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I guess I'm on the Hunt again? I got one thing for you and your little hunter pals.

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Well, I guess I'm also on the right track.

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Well, lookie here! This is the first piece of finished quality art I've ever done before! Took me about 3 days, but is it worth it!

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Now, one of my biggest things that I want to tackle, is an original story. It's not really in production yet, because I've yet to work on characters and the world, but I would like to introduce you guys to, Taima the Hedgehog. He's been in YEARS of design, like these. Stay tuned!

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