

Wrist problems make me not be able to art a lot but i hope you enjoy the stuff i post / retweet from my main twitter here!

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This is ... something..? I have no idea what i'm doing here but i tried drawing someone new:

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Some old art with this new one I just finished. I hope is well! 💜

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And these plushies have my heart omg 😭

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Heheee, i like making jokes and silly art sometimes 💜

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Smol art time ☺️

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And in 2016 i made these cards. Thankfully only few people in the world have physical prints of these early Sontzuuu art experiments. And with early i mean that i only started learning how to make digital art during this time! I was a traditional 'artist' before that. 😂

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And now sleep because brain too slow 😴

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I tried lol 🥤🍿

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