

Shonen spirits & ossans are what I'm known for.
Webcomic twitta:…

フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:409

"...Had a really weird dream last night."

Trying to warmup where I was wondering if I should do a doodle with my current kids or draw an old one to remember how to draw them and then I thought "Oh hey, both these kids have black bird themes!"andthusexcuseforinteractions-

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My GM told me I should draw Takumi being like a host from a club. He's such a charmer, ain't he?(his aquaintences all are done with him in the bg)

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Even if we didn't get a big win streak I was happy to play with friends I don't get to hang with often so made a sketchy dooble of their squid/octo kids with mine uwu
Let's play again, !

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Coming soon....😏

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Dustdriver campaign session 2 soon, there's a draw prompt to draw creatures of campaign world, Orea, w/ ur character and instead of choosing cute critters, I went with drawing the local monster that is the Sandworm because Redd's job includes killing one of these or other beasts-

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Because i love how you draw ossans-

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*bashfully* One of these fucks if it's ok with you?🥺

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I actually had 6 inspos for a character(usually i have only 2~4 at most) anyways these are Redd's. 2 mangas, 2 games, 2 webcomics...Basically, grittyass ossan😂

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After posting that dumb doodle I also realized I may have never put up Kouichi's Final Ref Sheet for RM campaign...
He got some sick armor from his fellow party members that can literally take the blow or ailment of others for them as well as a radiant damaging bow!

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