

Shonen spirits & ossans are what I'm known for.
Webcomic twitta:…

フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:409

Nothing will bring more joy than a supposed ikemen getting drawn poorly-

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There was a prompt of making your OC a cookie run character. I have never played the game but hoping it gives that vibe. Kotani's a Pepper Cookie. Her special skill thingy is Pepper Spray and her Magic Candy Skill thingy is Peppercorn Bombs that blow up obstacles.

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I made a very sloppy comic just cause wanted to draw my popos bean throwing since it was Setsubun. That's all.

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Oh also lots of templates are slapped up. Sometimes I at least bother to add the other members who put in their characters lmfao
Last one isn't rly bingo, but what main media characters you associate/kin your character with....I don't know enough characters to get it spot on haha

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Drew a few more things for that RP group as there were prompts such as Draw Your Character in Modern Wear as well as when we had a movie night to watch Summer Wars we also had Draw Your Character's OZ Avatar.
We don't talk about how i keep forgetting to give Jacob wings+halo lmao

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Didn't have the exact aesthetics i want but eh, close enough.Shot at the Real vs Fantasy thing that's been goin around.

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Once in a blue moon, I make new OC
How? Because this one has amnesia so I have less things to worry about LMAO
Meet Jacob, he can't remember shit, usually a sad but nice dad type(he's30slmao) but may have anger issues and apparently is dead but he don't know that!

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Also I'm sorry there were enough pics to make this, it's gonna be my fuel as i work on mistletoes-

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I bet ur tired of bringing up the same old man x ur punkass yankee boi but I miss them im sorry

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This is what I'm referring to, btw

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