

Discord Patch#9985…

フォロー数:967 フォロワー数:424

Na, a lot of his stuff is bland right leanings talking points but his Alt-right leanings are clear and far from what Bush supporters would push.

1 1

"Massive company" is going to crash due to "minor drama" and not making a sequel to "Scrimblo Bimblo"

2 28

Finally a good Stonetoss edit, I think it should start a trend running on this theme.

46 449

Kinda cool how there's no consistent look for them, but my point is just, The Demon Slayer game clearly exists to be an extension of the show to be sold to fans of the show/manga, it's not meant to be a tie in, not something that can stand on its own and reinvent certain aspects.

2 7

My biggest issue with Rockstar's writing is how little agency any of their main characters have, like so many of their plots would be far shorter if our gangster hardman would just say no to the twat who's obviously gonna screw him over.

1 12

This dude is cleansing Smash of smelly no items players.
Time to have a kid to play it with.

2 9

Minecraft dude is deserving, certainly a much better pick to stand alongside these characters than Geno, seriously, he wasn't even a stand out in Mario RPG, Mallow was better.

8 37

If they stylist human design to look more like the concept art it could really work but instead, they all look strange and robotic.

1 1

The battle of PC vs Console was ended 12 years ago and there has never been a good come back to this.

7 27

Rip David Dees, superior to Ben Garrison.

4 21