

✝️ Love my OC’s. Pfp by @Artsyyellow. Cover by @nairdaGS. Logo by @TLI_Shadow9

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:69

Chiyone Arata=ESFJ. Friendly, outgoing, reliable, diligent. A true caregiver who seeks to help others and make sure everyone is happy. Comforts those who need help and will do whatever she can to aid her friends, sometimes prioritizing others over herself. The "mom" of the group.

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Natsune Arata=ESTP. Outgoing, action-oriented, versatile, straightforward, spontaneous, and a practical problem solver. She loves to fight, and usually uses fighting as her answer for most situations. Always has energy to spare, and doesn't like sitting in one place for too long

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One Piece has a very simple power system. Devil fruits each have their own simple rules to follow, and Haki is just a bare-boned Ki system. With this simplicity, there is a lot more freedom with what abilities a user had while still being controlled within its own limits

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Bad power system? Magic in Fairy Tail. Physical attacks with magic and large variety of types being seen is definitely cool, but the magic is used too plainly and there really aren't any rules. Random boosts of energy, poor power scaling, and the "Power of Friendship" trope

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Main Influence: Riku/Vegeta
Other influences: Piccolo
Newton was actually the first "Villain" OC I had, playing the role of antagonist/rival to Xenos before there was even an actual story. He's in the main crew now with his own redemption arc, but still acts as a mirror to Xenos

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Newton Harding=ISTJ. "Actions speak louder than words". Reserved, hardworking, trustworthy, and very sincere. He has the attributes of a strong yet kind leader. While he's doesn't show it, he deeply cares for his comrades and does what he can to take care of those close to him

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Finally finished reading Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru. It had a real rocky beginning, cliffhanger ending, and the amount of fanservice was uncomfortable at times, but still an above average manga. Art style had a strong sense of realism and every fight scene felt real.

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1. Shapeshifting like Kamala Khan Bigger hands=More area to punch
2. Super speed=Using vibrations for more powerful punch
3. Weapon manipulation=Use MANY big sword
4. Metallic body=turn hand(s) into big sword. It would be like punching AND slicing at the same time

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1. Smash 64. Uncle's played with their N64 a lot. They let me play whenever I visited
2. Persona 5 Royal. Basically Persona 5 but with quality of life changes
3. Fairy Tail. Slowly but surely...
4. Kingdom Hearts 2. This game series will always have a special place in my heart

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Main Influence: Gon-
-Simple-Minded yet determined
-Straightforward thought process and direct fighting style
-Scary when pissed
-Little sister of the group
-Costume design
-Hairstyle, fighting style and expression influenced by her in her first "Dragon Force" fight

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