

✝️ Love my OC’s. Pfp by @Artsyyellow. Cover by @nairdaGS. Logo by @TLI_Shadow9

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Friendly reminder that One Piece character designs (especially the villains) are still top tier

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The power system in the story is definitely the frosting on the cake. With Devil fruits and their themed abilities like "Rubber-Rubber" or "cut cut" and stuff like that, along with Haki as a replacement to regular "Ki", it makes all the fights so unique and fun to watch

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I won't go through why I love every character, but Usopp is honestly the coolest character in the story. Besides his sharpshooting skills and toolkit, he's the most human out of the bunch. He may be a coward, but he still keeps up with the rest of the crew despite his weak side

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Luffy stands out from other popular shonen MC's like Goku, Deku, Naruto, Ichigo, etc. Unlike them, Luffy relies purely on hand to hand combat, and straightfoward tactics. This type of action is simple, but the hype is always there with his techniques, gears, and climaxes

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And at the heart of it all, we have the center of attention. Monkey D. Luffy. A simple "special" selfish boy with a positive attitude. His goals are real simple: get the One Piece, and protect his crew. A simple straightforward character that lot of people can fall in love with

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The character arcs for each of them is done pretty well. Towards the end of their arc or sometime after, you get a clear understanding of who they are. Each main character introduction arc usually has a memorable emotional ending to them,solidifying the fact that we care for them

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Of course this system wouldn't work if we weren't emotionally invested to the main crew. Each character has their own arc, and each of their arcs draws us a lot closer to them. After that, we continue to get closer to them simply by spending time with them as the story progresses

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Each arc had it's own villain, and with each villain there was always a climactic fight to look forward to. After the first few arcs, the villains started to seem like actual threats. You knew the main characters would win of course, but you always wanted to see it happen

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I don't talk about one piece a lot but I personally believe out of all the popular animes out there,One Piece has the best character designs by far. The different styles of clothing and body types along with unique ability themes makes each character memorable,especially villains

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