Armando (Soul doctor)~Psychology and philosophyさんのプロフィール画像

Armando (Soul doctor)~Psychology and philosophyさんのイラストまとめ

Veritas non est illa quam video , non illa quam cogito , est illa quam sentio ~ The truth is not what you see or what you think, it is what you feel!

フォロー数:19009 フォロワー数:40785

הקרח על פרח הוא מים שנשארו בחוץ בקור שנרדם, אך שומרים על צניעותו ומהותו החיה. רק מעשה של אהבה אמיתית יכול להמיס את הכפור, עם דמעות, שהן ההתכה של קרח הנפש, ולמי שבוכה כל המלאכים קרובים.

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"A word frees us from all the weight and pain of life: that word is Love!" (SOFOCLE)

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Αγαπάτε τα μικρά πράγματα που σας κάνουν ευτυχισμένους: αρκεί ένα απροσδόκητο μήνυμα, μια αγκαλιά, ένα χαμόγελο, ένα λουλούδι, ένα χάδι Αυτό είναι όλο !

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真摯而持久的愛情就像一顆小小的玉米穗:堅實而飽滿的五穀,提供營養、溫暖和能量的水果。 培養起來很辛苦,但有付出就有回報。 白天金黑夜銀,握在手掌心,散發生活美好的氣息

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Thank you so much,for very beautiful gif dear Yochan!Good morning!😊😘🙏

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Ay'ın cazibesi, öylesine kadınsı bir kişiliğe sahip, göz açıp kapayıncaya kadar her rasyonaliteyi aşk gibi değiştirebilen: güçlü, ancak tutarsız ve kırılgan, yoğun duygular verir ve sonra aniden çıkarır ve bilinçdışımıza şunu düşündürür " hiç bir şey sonsuza dek sürmez "

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Love is like a lighthouse,towering over the storm and never waveringIlluminates the present and projects the light towards the horizon,into the future,but also reflects on the past,which envelops in the memories of magical nights of love,between adventures and legends of the sea

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