

Pixelartist, cheapskate. Trying to escape the deadbeat life.

Account's a bit of a pixelart dev journal.

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:171

Bahahahaha Sodom's dialogue in Japanese is something else, I had never seen this before

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Yeeeee, y el comic no se queda atrás

Fug, me has recordado que nunca me la terminé, este verano me la empiezo de nuevo.

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I LOVE ROLENTO I USED TO BE LIKE DECENT WITH HIM it's all coming back to me...

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...Wow wrong aspect ratio. I can't fullscreen anyways, it crashes.

There we go.

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Huh. I'm kinda on the opposite camp, always thought it the driest looking and sounding SF. All the flair the backgrounds and vs screens the previous versions had are gone.

But since it has 3's animations, more characters and refined mechanics ... still the best version of 3 hah.

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Sí que se ven pocas, circa 95-02 solían parodiar bastante la estética, y el bronceado ganguro con pelo rubio/pelirrojo era relativamente común, es algo.

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Hello Springs here. I am an amateur artist, 3D modeler and pixel artist. Not much of a professional yet but I'm hoping! Might as well try this.

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Oh my god I almost could not see Tomba to the end, my copy's movies played a little wonky and the credits in particular were super crapped out, there was a YTP-esque loop going on with Tomba saying hi to the monkye guy over and over bahahah

But it survived, I am thankful.

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Here's the most blatant Conan reference in Megaman Legends. The man even works in a shipyard (pictured)

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