

3D Artist/Animator
Business Email: [email protected]

OC Model by @KennethCrooker1

フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:39349

Ayo did Twitch really banned the term "Ara Ara"?

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Season 3, GAWD DAYUM

(Honestly thought it was just gonna be a movie adaptation since it seemed like there wasn't enough content to warrant a full season)

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If adding 30 extra dollars just to play some select genesis and 64 games, imagine what'll happen when they decide to put gamecube or gameboy titles...

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Nezuko's Voice actress:
First time?

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Everyone: Putting all their attention on Broly being present in Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes

Me an Intellectual: Putting all my attention on why Goku's packing the dump truck on full display

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I remember playing that shit of a game as a kid.

I really originally wanted to get Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 for PS2, but my siblings chose this instead. Only had a PS2 at the time and were too young to know how Last/New gen consoles differed; easy way to bait people like that.

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The amount of things you can do to models with advanced/complex rigs is absurd. Especially when utilizing the cameras perspective, shading on materials, and its normals

In this case, Dragon Ball Fighterz Models in Blender

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You know now you that mentioned that, an animated series for power rangers would be amazing


They had a similar direction with past like Gurren Lagann and recent shows like ROTMNT and Monkie Kid (The shows premise and those kinds of visuals could work hand in hand)

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Record of Ragnarok anime drops,

General reception: WTF!? How could they turn a great manga into a shitty anime!?

Me: Ah, so another one fell victim; the cycle continues...

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