

Soundpost brings song and dance into people's lives through participation and performance. Founded by @fayhield.

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Don't forget Fiddle Band on Wednesday! All string players welcome- come along for biscuits & fun!

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Don't forget Fiddle Band on Wednesday! All string players welcome- come along for biscuits & fun!

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Don't forget Fiddle Band on Wednesday! All string players welcome- come along for biscuits & fun!

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Don't forget Fiddle Band on Wednesday! All string players welcome- come along for biscuits & fun!

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Don't forget Fiddle Band on Wednesday! All string players welcome- come along for biscuits & fun!

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Don't forget Fiddle Band on Wednesday! All string players welcome- come along for biscuits & fun!

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It was lovely to meet & hear such fab musicians at Fiddle Band, huge thanks-stay tuned for more info for next week!

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Its our Ceilidh Project and Fiddle Band this week! Find out how it goes on Weds & pls RT for all our fiddle players!

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Fiddle Band starts next week! It's being be run by our lovely Nicola, come along for lots of tunes and fun...pls RT

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