


フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:514

a cleaned up doodle i liked a lot from my sketchbook. Mama Nott and Mister Caleb.

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experimented with her colors a bit using the angel trumpet flower as inspiration. i’d like to think she was born ghostly white with red eyes/horns and black hair but as she got older her colors sorta morphed

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better quality photos to come tomorrow but i present the final piece. any title suggestions? im thinking “the passing storm”. gonna submit this to talks tomorrow morning and see what happens

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my Inga, old goblin inventor who uses explosives. lost an arm/some fingers over the years, but it doesn’t slow her down. i didn’t give her any disadvantages to dex or whatever cuz she can still find a way to do anything (ex. she belayed down a 60 ft wall using a staff)

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some of my favorite thorney’s i’ve drawn over the months. i still really love the second one with the orange bg

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wip of my boy, my darling 1/4 drow boy now with more piercings

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oh the difference fine liners make

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it’s been a hot minute since i had a wip to show

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