

Ta-da, I have a twitter. Mainly just a dump for sketches and art I don't post anywhere else; enjoy.
(18+ Content)

フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:11184


Well, you gotta admit it's smart to trade off for someone less... encumbered.

186 1000

He's not used to feeling all these things, it's no surprise he's easy to "set off."

87 418

He's not used to mortal needs.

133 634

Turns out replacing salt with some other material you have nearby for the recipe causes problematic changes in the form of the demon you summon.

139 621

Quick doodle for a special "mudkip" who's a little behind on the whole evolution thing

121 567

Watch out if you have Jitters on your party, he's vulnerable to your Lullaby ability!

59 331

"How does a Dry-Bones go

55 354

I wanted to draw toons and was in a super big PM mood so I decided to create a dood specifically for the purpose of dumb art. Introducing Jitters the Wet-Bones.

67 345