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@OnlineChuchu And finally, the true Giga Chad of all burgers. Fred Fredburger.
In 60 minutes the Red Rocket rises again! The Gundam Evolution playtest special! https://t.co/03aceY0F8C #ENVtuber #Vtuber #GUNDAMEVOLUTION
Red Comet? Never heard of em'. Now The Red Rocket...that's a REAL Mobile Suit Pilot. That man is hard as steel and always ready to BLAST! #ENVtuber #Vtuber #GUNDAMEVOLUTION
@reddrgdojima Aight, fuckin' bet. Remember the rules, first one to wuss out, pass out, or bleed out...buys the first round at the bar.
@megiChicken Take your pick, regular or spicy.
HAPPENING NOW! Two Himbros try to interview each other and look stupid while doing it! https://t.co/03aceY0F8C #ENVtuber #Vtuber #himbohours
Tonight, the ONE BRAIN CELL has it's work cut out for it! Myself and @Dimaterialized are gonna ask the hard questions and pretend we have the real answers. It's REAL HIMBO HOURS "THE TALK SHOW". Tonight at 9pm EST (GMT-5)! #ENVtuber #Vtuber #himbohours