THE NFT COLLECTION FROM THE FUTURE IS HERE TODAY! Pick a tribe, imbibe, and try to survive.

フォロー数:1368 フォロワー数:9372

AMA x Cat Tribe, hosted by Chrissy and ! 🐱

"Families can come stay with us for free while their child is in the hospital; we work really hard to make sure our house is as comfortable and stress-free as possible" -Chrissy

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AMA#4: x Elephant Tribe, hosted by Kat, Scott, Sara, & NoodleArms! 🐘

"Elephant Sanctuary Brazil was started in 2013. We are the only elephant sanctuary in South America, so we have discovered the intense need for assistance here." -Sara

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AMA x Turtle Tribe, hosted by and ST President Brad! 🐢

"We save 10 hatchlings for every dollar donated and list out each grant received each year. We put 90% of donations towards programs, and 10% to hiring new staff" -Brad

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AMA x Owl Tribe, hosted by and ! 🦉

"We focus on the parts of the world with the most extreme persecution, discrimination and violence, where there are less resources and kind intentions." -Katie

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Did you an attend the Verified Poggers screening on Friday? 📽🎬

If you didn't, don't worry! The animation is releasing at 3PM EDT Monday, Mar 21 🚀

There will be a Space on all things Poggers tomorrow evening hosted by and at 6:30PM EDT 🚀🚀

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The Space Poggers animation has come a long way from storyboard to animation, and we can't wait for you to see it!

We're excited to take you on the first of many trips through the Space Poggers universe, through animations, stories, and more 🚀🚀

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The Poggers are ready to start their intergalactic party across the galaxy, are you?

March 18th at 3:45pm PDT the party kicks off🚀🎉

Get your Pogger, and get into the Space Poggers Discord to see the screening before the public release this Monday🚀🚀

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