

Low Orbit Shitposting Cannon

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:82634
# spacex

"Orbital Flight Test 1 Info-graph by and " by irishspring4521 via https://t.co/wPHOSnUFTn

6 70

The only thing I fear is an injunction by PortTackApproach via https://t.co/lo6YATZ4m8

40 689

If Cooper sees that tweet, I bet he would want to punch Matthew McConaughey right in the face. by ProfessorMyers via https://t.co/gLKLHOnymL

1 11

One single booster on SLS will cost more than a falcon heavy launch. https://t.co/piRXcZ4D4h

44 871

Space exploration political compass (sorry for typos and grammer) https://t.co/0BmemwP2Lb

472 4096