

Adults only. Your friendly neighbourhood sedentary predator. Here go all the dirty scribbles and WIP shots.

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Couple more little doodles, I realised it's been a while since I posted.

18 122

Small update, was going to be another page of random stuff but I don't think I'll get to all of it so there's just this one.
There's a nipple though, it's there for you, happy birthday.

2 8

Renamon tax.
Internet search told me series 3 will be twenty years old next year, btw.

4 29

Random collection of small draws on more cutoffs I found while organising the workspace and filing things. Number 3.

11 66

Hello Twitter, I've been out of touch, there was something about drinking from boobs or something?
More little scribbles.

6 47

Picking out a couple of the small sketches I doodled while I wasn't around to work on people's comms again.
A snakey lady from KazeAttor on FA.

9 54

More little cutoff doodling.
Coincidentally when scanning it in I find out I have to pop open the scanner itself to get rid of a weird wobble it wanted to screw me with today. Fortunately compared to the original it looks like things straightened out.

11 43

A little thinking about some comic stuff on a bristol cutoff about the size of my hand. Haven't used greys and red much so tried those out.
Sorry to anyone kept waiting for things. The usual delays, sadly. Back now, still worked on stuff, polishing off and sending soon.

3 15

New upload to the gallery sites. Kaera gets the hyper fans some love.

5 23