

🔞 No Minors! 🏳️‍🌈 Gay Furry 🐾 Trying my best with art 💖 I also play videogames, a lot. Always looking for coms, or even art trades!

Icon by: @grizzledcroc

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:99

I've been loving Pokemon Unite so far and am looking forward to seeing more playable cgaracters and skins! For now I did some fanart of Greinja's hero style and plan on maining him once I get him for free, as of now I stick to Daddy Machamp, I mean machamp, hehe~ ^^;

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Well, might as well try to get my boyo in

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I decided I'd do a nice drawing for my pal of him doing some simple morning stretches ^^

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Got bored and wanted to draw so I decided to draw a gift for and his cute boyo having a nice time at a Sauna. Love your cute guy bud, hope we can chat some 💖

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"Wanna Dance~?"

Here is my newest OC! He's a rainbow chest head, and I'm not sure what to name him yet, but I'll find out what this nice suited man's name is sooner or later

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Made this real fast for Blaziken thing, not the best first cock but it was in a hurry! Hope you all enjoy

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"Hey there, just getting some fresh air~ mind if I sit on your lap good sir?"

Looks like Sparky's been caught with his pants down and a bit of his jockstrap showing~

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Dunno how Crat got here in my pixel art, but someone should tell Hope he isn't to worried, speaking of which, I don't know where Sparky is...

Nice little gift for the great and all Conniving Rat!

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"I didn't think I would have anyone visit today, what's the occasion~?"

Happy Birthday ! Did some nice art of Nighty Night for ya, hope you enjoy!~ and my b-day isn't far from yours, in terms of days that is~

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Thanks for the chance! love your art :p

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