

// Artista 2D/3D // Amante de canguras y Kobolds

フォロー数:2092 フォロワー数:2475

>everything wrong was caused by gamergate
>not the economic crisis
>not the passing of bullshit bills for over a decade
>not the raising of social media with people that lack education or common sense

You know that there is a world outside of that phone screen isnt it?

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Halle la imagen, me cagare en todo esto un dia, añadire esto en mi cubeta de no-tan-urgentes-metas.

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Es peor si son canales oficiales los que caen en este truño narrativo, jodanse D&D.

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>Tfw you are not included in the fren circle

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I love how everyone suddenly become an expert in supersoldier serum.
Instead to give nuisance argument like halo does you fuckers only want peggy with steve body.
¿Do you dum dums have an inch of imagination or at least known what fun looks?

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>be mexican
>gets tagged by glowie that i am in his politic games

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I get that, but you take a face value the perception that this site give you, there way WAY more people getting vaxxed but isnt something that give you many likes to report so.

Throwing a tantrum in twitter its just a drop in the bucket.

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