

Swamp creature, gay frog man and (potentially) silliest lil guy on twitch | he/they | VTuber | Video Editor | Streams rated 15+ |

フォロー数:366 フォロワー数:203

Thank you for hosting! Hi, I'm Spawn and I'm a swamp creature. Currently rigging my own model which is taking a while, but in the meantime I stream RPGs and Apex with a PNG!

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FINALLY streaming from my new PC tonight. Gonna chill and play some Geoguessr to test out OBS. Will try capture card stuff later in the week when I'm less headachey

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Hi I'm Spawn! A non-binary/trans masc swamp creature. I currently stream variety and Apex and I'm in the middle of DIY rigging my own model!

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male pattern baldness is a serious issue

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My name is Spawn, I'm a swamp creature, and my debut is Feb 26th 2021. Hope to see you there 👉👈

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finished another emote. kinda horrifying.

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look at this stupid dumbass pogging. what a nerd. *shoves him into a locker*

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I'm a non binary/trans masc swamp creature :D hello fellow enbies

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I didn't separate the upper and lower eyelids before rigging how am I THIS stupid ,😩😩😩

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