

I'm some guy that draws for fun and for random strangers in a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.
I like to draw Aigis.

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:391

my worst coloring job yet

1 26

help, i thought it was a preview image crop, i dont know how to twitter

76 317

Amelia Watson a study/masterpiece

1 16

My very original elf and her family, this was shaded but pc imploded

0 13

Accidentally drew a lady maria looking gal, twitters exists apparently, might as well post it

2 20

A cute syoko since i never post here, lmao

0 16

Colored sketch of an awkward looking elf, Akits.
Any similarity to is mere coincidence :^^)

0 15

First post! Here from the Tumblr apocalypse lets start with some Sigis Lewds

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