

CH/TW Asian American furry artist! I draw tiger people and pixel art! 中文沒問題! Learning Taigi. 23 yrs old, He/They. 🔞Stuff is #DrunkenSpecter & #DrunkSpecter

フォロー数:1836 フォロワー数:1083

Alright, the final sneak preview! But my work's not done cause I'm gonna organize a presentation for this!

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And another preview for the 30 day project, getting closer to the finish line, one more design to go!

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Another sneak preview of my continued work on the 30 day project!

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Working on a 30 day art project this month so I can't post the full drawing yet but here's a sneak preview!

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Some days I'm tired.

Tired of not being "good" enough. Tired of wondering if one day I'll ever be satisfied or if I'll just live a life of never being good enough. Why did I want to be "good" in the first place, who do I want to be "good" for.

Maybe one day I won't be tired

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Redesign concept for Specter based more on Youxia/Xiake, ultimately I think I'll be switching to this design for the future as well!

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Decided to update Arthit's design to have more accurate anatomy and and stick to the shirtlessness instead of giving him a heavy coat

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HMMM Do I give eyebags or not

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There are three types of people in this world

Featuring 's artwork

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