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Immediately had to do some fanart of Rougulike from the charity stream!!

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Just a very loose sketch of the book 4 boys because I almost forgot to make something for !
Maybe I’ll do a real coloring of it later

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I got the idea to make a series of lesbian versions of the disney princes but also I’ve realized I still am really uncomfortable with shading and I always put it off and never end up finishing. So I either practice that or do this series or both? Maybe I’ll come back to it later

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Hi! I’m Kayla and I’m an illustrator and an aspiring animator. I don’t post much but I’m hoping to change that!

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A late night sketch I decided to develop a little further! This is my character Amalia. She’s a tiefling fighter and she’s strong af!

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I just got and oml I love it so much!

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Im flat broke right now but I want one of those mouse pads so bad you dont even know

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