Spectrowhirl (Ben Simon) Ⓥ 🧚‍♂️🐢✨さんのプロフィール画像

Spectrowhirl (Ben Simon) Ⓥ 🧚‍♂️🐢✨さんのイラストまとめ

Queer, traditional acrylic painter, vegan, cat friend.

Black Lives Matter.

My art:

フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:264

Finished another full size This was actually the type of thing I had envisioned for my second painting ever and it took me like four green, planty paintings to get the look I wanted.


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Dudes, I sold four paintings to one person yesterday. Crazy times. All these:

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Caroline Rose is a fashion ICON, guys. I wish I had half the aesthetic that she does.

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I was planning to do a painting of just mushrooms (like at the bottom of this one) but I realized it really looks like I'm doing a druggy, magic mushroom thing, especially with my shop named Psychedeloscope, despite never once taking psychedelics. So never mind 🤣 Too off-brand.

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Every single time I go to this coffee shop there’s these two. An old lady who spends her afternoons smoking a cigarette and reading mystery novels and an old man who smokes cigars and does crosswords. In my head, they’re soulmates. I should try to set them up.

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There's a lyrical moment in an old Lillix song that still drives me crazy when I think about it. I assume she intentionally subverted the rhyme, but this is how it goes:

"I'm walking down the street
I'm feeling kind of beat,
from dragging my SELF
to nowhere."


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I actually like the new additions, but why do they make so many Pokemon designs weird by adding unnatural geometric shapes? Seriously, go Google Pokemon and marvel at how many appear to have weird chunks of plastic attached to them or robotic right-angles.

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When you bite your lip on the last bite.

If I had just eaten one less veggie strawwwww

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