

LvL 32 Anime Tattoo Artist

NFT Worlds | Deadfellaz | Sipher
SVS | Blankos | 0n1Force

フォロー数:917 フォロワー数:794

is hosting a wicked art comp based on the pixel series they just launched. Here is my derivative and the pixel version. The traits are dope throughout, created by the talented duo and can’t wait for the Shadowz to arrive 🔥🔥

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Just joined the horde.
I am super excited to be in this project. The latest medium article cinched it for me, PFP Metawrapping is going to be huge. Just need to pick him up a companion.
!Horde Assemble!
Drop your fellaz below and follow 4 a follow.

19 252

Just picked up these two
Always sleeping through his mints, so went shopping. In this flippaverse Im always bullish on artists collections in the long run. These are both dope 🔥🔥

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My amazing Vampiress. Cant wait for the bloodpact.

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Super stoked with my ladies. The art is incredible so I picked up another two that I liked the look of.

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Ive been an OG Vamp since the first days. Couldn't help myself and wanted to have a turn at doing a Vampiress Derivative.... Any Hellsing fans in the house. I present Seras Victoria in an AzukiVamp style. Let me know what you think fam!!

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Time for fam to get onboard.
Follow me and drop your sevens below.
I'll follow you all back. I got 100 0n1's and 80 Sneaky Vamp folows, lets see if can top that.
Here is my fav, aesthetic wise he is on point.

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Vamp follow Vamp today. This is my og mint stake Boi. drop your vamp in the comments so I can follow you back 🙏 I'm also the artist behind most of the discords stickers 🔥🔥 and here are my derivatives as well. Can't wait to see more of the ladies!

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All these are brand new traits I've recently completed for my Manga style Waifu art collection.
Let me know what you think of this pissed off Dryad.
Also outfit is from Grimgar Fantasy and Ashes, one of my favourite isekai anime...

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