Pumpkin Spicy Wahtteさんのプロフィール画像

Pumpkin Spicy Wahtteさんのイラストまとめ

Local Fatass Red Panda | 18+ | Home of all my fat and furry goodness. He/Him | Asexual | 27 | Banner by @devilishfood

フォロー数:1539 フォロワー数:2230

"Hey, you guys see that fatass red panda over there? Check out how far up you can stretch his underwear with a wedgie! I swear the thing could be used as a damn bedsheet if you wanted to.."

Just a little thing for Underwear Day! Also going along with the nerdy wah mood I'm in :3

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Some completed bent over butt YCHs! These massive rear ends here belong to and respectively

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Damn, it's been so damn hot lately, especially with how naturally well insulated I am.. A wah my size is just not built for the heat!

Summer hits me pretty hard, I basically need a fan 24/7 to be comfy. Today was especially hot out, so I guess this is also vent art.

Fuck heat.

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So just got a new design for their sona and they're just way too adorable for me to not draw em round, so I drew em round :3c

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Look at these two birds, wanting to be squished by Banjo's big fatass bear belly and shit!

...I mean tbh I don't really blame them, that sounds really nice imo, but still.

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Y'know Olive, if when you're waiting at the door for the customer you get tempted to eat all the pizzas, maybe the whole pizza delivery gig isn't good on your waistline

..and the fact that you seem to be getting most if, not all of any leftover pizzas and the end of your shift.

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More Frido, this time hard at work (and hard at snacking) on his computer.

What's he working on? idk probably nerdy skunk stuff or something...

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And a gassy alt, because Frido wasn't already embarrassed enough from having his pants ripped and fat ass exposed >:3c

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Guess what? Skunk butt :3c

After the Frido with a massive set of face cheeks, I thought why not also do the other set of fat skunks cheeks!

Well, I guess Frido might argue that it's super embarrassing but y'know he should have been more careful when bending over for his books.

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I'm still on my recent fatty skunk kick, so here's some more Frido with some huge af cheeks because you know how much I love fatty cheeks :3c

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