//=time() ?>
Here we see the Spicy in his natural habitat, just waking up at like 3pm and still sleepy.
Upon finally hauling himself out of bed, one can get a glimpse of his belly peaking from under his too-small shirt as he stretches, ready for a big lunch
Wonderful comm from @HakunaTatas
Y'know I could probably do with a larger size for either of these but I'd say it's still a pretty good look all things considered. https://t.co/zkXKKhukuP
These are more of an AU of greentext story linked above, where they get fat as hell.
Also, the sloth and fox are the same character but their actual species ended being left to interpretation, so I drew both versions of it. (Same case with the last tweet's sketches)
Recently there was a greentext story about fatty shenanigans relating to an urban exploring raccoon on the /mfat/ thread from /trash/ that I had decided to do a few warmup sketches on.
The story is here https://t.co/X7i7xT3zcA, the writer of it preferring to remain anonymous
Guess this wah turned bun has been such a heavy sleeper (pun intended) that he has yet to noticed that #fatbunnyweek has come around once again and hit him just as hard as it has every year...
Bet he'll have a hefty craving for carrot cake once he finally awakens~
Big tail, big gulp, big swim trunks, and a big wah tum. Got the full summer package going on here :3c
Bought a wonderful summer/beach themed commission from @voidflame! Absolutely love love love how well it came out 💙💙
"Hey, you guys see that fatass red panda over there? Check out how far up you can stretch his underwear with a wedgie! I swear the thing could be used as a damn bedsheet if you wanted to.."
Just a little thing for Underwear Day! Also going along with the nerdy wah mood I'm in :3
Some completed bent over butt YCHs! These massive rear ends here belong to @GulfOfOtter @bwwoooommpphh and @MarrelRedwin respectively
Damn, it's been so damn hot lately, especially with how naturally well insulated I am.. A wah my size is just not built for the heat!
Summer hits me pretty hard, I basically need a fan 24/7 to be comfy. Today was especially hot out, so I guess this is also vent art.
Fuck heat.
So @TBPNemo just got a new design for their sona and they're just way too adorable for me to not draw em round, so I drew em round :3c