

I post Riot stuff. I also work on the League wiki. I have strong opinions about Flash games and DragonFable. DNI with non-followers (too many people).

フォロー数:541 フォロワー数:284256

Skarner Concept Art by Riot BravoRay and VGU dev blog https://t.co/yu4YwduSd2

36 371

Dr. Mundo changes:
- Health regen growth reduced from 0.55 to 0.44
- W recast lock out timer reduced
- E damage against monsters increased from 150% to 200%

36 1358

Twitch and Urgot icons

12 106

Wild Rift Summoner Icons for 4.1:
Cosmic and Dark Cosmic Lux and Superhero Vi

97 1037



Nashor's Tooth change:
- Cost increased from 3000 to 3200
- Amp Tome replaced by Fiendish Codex
- Now grants 15 ability haste

219 7352

Veigar nerfs:
- Base HP reduced from 575 to 550
- Base armor reduced from 21 to 18
- W base damage changed from 100 - 300 to 85 - 305

23 489

Vayne changes:
- Q AD ratio increased from 60% - 80% to 75% - 115%
- W true damage changed from 4% - 12% max HP to 6% - 10%

124 3565

Talon buffs:
- Base mana increased from 377 to 400
- W mana cost reduced from 55 - 75 to 50 - 70
- W out base damage increased from 40 - 80 to 45 - 85
- W out AD ratio increased from 40% to 45%
- W return base damage increased from 50 - 170 to 60 - 180

155 2412