

Dev(?) in training that loves TYPE MOON, Hololive and related content.
Super Castoria Fan!

フォロー数:724 フォロワー数:2925
# fgo

Thank you guys for not unfollowing after that discourse earlier if you saw it, sorry bout that. Love you all

0 45

Wait why are people saying Melt is a loli out of nowhere???

2 24

Good morn guys. As always wish you all a good day^^
I am...very tired.

0 8

Good morn all! Hoping a good day for yall^^
Seems like a fairly normal day until now so...lets see what happens.

0 6

Random Castoria because she deserves it.

5 55

Morning guys! How are you all? Always hoping yall are good and hoping for a good day^^

Motivated myself out of bed today by thinking "You will get to rest later" which honestly applies to any day, why did it only work this morning?

0 9

MOrning lads! How yall doing? Hoping everyone gets a good day! One more push the week is almost over.
Today my taxi driver forgot to pick me up tho

0 13

Morning guys! Hoping you all have a neat day!
I have no class today thankfully, I was tired last night.

0 6

Morning all! Hope you all have a good day!!
Currently really hungry, and intense desire for summer Castoria. I don't see any discourse yet so thats great!

0 9