Son Moon🌞🌙⛏️🤓ᛤさんのプロフィール画像

Son Moon🌞🌙⛏️🤓ᛤさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:6820 フォロワー数:3674

Thats why I love stronk core community built around timeless art by ! 💪

Wen / and , Frank?

Maybe someday if it fits and makes sense 🫡🍻

Drillz got beehives too.. everyone loves bees 🐝

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I have the ugliest NFT known to man, this my stinkyboi from ... blue chip rug.. I hold these dear and would never burn them or graveyard them 🤝🐸🫡

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gm mamis I barely got enough sleep hours wise but went to bed on a full and stomach and fully stoned... not a good combo so this duck shows how I feel at the moment😭

[pictured = ... extremely organized and engaging community with frequent trials and challenges]

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I love NFTs... there's just something about blockchain, tokenization and web3.... and I'm happy to be here... we're very early fren 🤝

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i got my first pophead before the rug, by the time I found out it was derug it was .2 or so, thats mostly when I jumped in... I WISH I got de rug news in time to also get the .01 numbers lol

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its always "shoulda got more" hehehe.. glad I have what I do but damn shouldn't have burned 5 sol on dozer last week bc I was planning to get popheads but when I looked at my wallet after playing dozer I was at .04 😅😭😭

Let's get it poppin!!

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I love both and even though some of my maxi frens dislike each other

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If you have liquidity cardano is the place to stake... Funds remain unlocked and liquid, compoundable rewards every week. Also they have pretty cool nfts

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I've been shilling my cardano nfts to my sol frens and sol influencers for months 🤣😆🍻

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This has been checked by independent fact checkers and has been deemed false 😭

If you aren't exposed to any CNFTs you ain't truly bricked up for the future of NFTs🤝


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