Spirited DreamWeaverさんのプロフィール画像

Spirited DreamWeaverさんのイラストまとめ

A broken witch dancing in a dark night of the soul. Words © Me. 🎨by me. Mastodon: @[email protected].

フォロー数:4326 フォロワー数:5336

I wonder who is the artist
creating her dreams now.
And, are they good to her?
Giving her playtime
in forests of fantasy?
Or, do they mean her ill?
Casting her in to
a desert nothingness
where even the sun
is blocked by sandy dis-ease?

Art by William Joseph Oxer

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Flowers are beautiful.
Beautiful in a vase at a wake,
Beautiful gingerly placed on a grave,
Beautiful planted as a memorial.
Flowers are beautiful,
but loss remains.

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I float on the rising tide.
They say it lifts all boats.
Will it lift ours again in time?
I feel its power
on my skin
between my legs
as I ride each surge,
wondering if You still feel
any within.

Art by Dmitry Kochetkov

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I know You know
that Your art is a killer performance,
the darkest of dark illusions.
I know You know You left
me in a grave with
other greasepaint monsters
that dove into the unknown of You.
We didn’t know You had removed the net.

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She was one of His vampires,
and He was Her angel of death.
No matter how many times they met,
She still left His blood boiling,
& He gave Her anxious breaths.
When midnight came, so did they;
bell tower's chimes
hiding moans & sighs.


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It’s been a long day,
but she smiles anyway,
a proud, self-satisfied moment
where she indulges
in the pleasure she takes
when she knows she has become
their fantasy
their desire
the one with whom they want
to sin and mistake
the one to excite
their sensuality and dominant streak

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I am Athena
A drive for justice
Her olives & owls,
culture & art
Are my birthright
I am Athena

Pic source unknown

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She was cast away,
left adrift
in a sea of chaos.

Art by Mari Yamato

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He was a wily silver-haired fox
who had spent a life
gathering stars
Collecting them one by one for their beauty
To light his moments
so he could feel

Art by ying-art on DeviantArt

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I do not wish you well
nor do I wish you ill
You actually are not in my wishes at all
I have been unpacking
the suitcase on my chest
Letting go of
The kernels of hopes
I had for me
For you
And without my magic to
keep you safe
I feel sad for u

Art by Kim Novak

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